Business Development Manager – South West
Emma Jones
Business Development Manager
I have been working in property finance for around 20 years, covering everything from banking, through to mortgages and bridging loans. I primarily cover the key South West regions like Cornwall, Sorset and Somerset, as well as Wales.
I love helping investors expand their portfolios and I feel the regions I cover provide plenty of opportunity for expanding landlords and buyers. My regions are filled with holiday let options, residential assets, and more. With Market Financial Solutions, I’m proud of how I’m able to support my brokers with honesty and openness.
I want to hear from brokers, and investors who thrive off interpersonal relationships with their lenders. I look forward to your call.
Email: emma@mfsuk.com
Phone: +44 (0)7946 057779
“I’d like to see a better understanding of how our products fit within the bigger picture. […]
I think people are very scared about dealing with specialist lending.”

Regions I cover
I offer bridging loans and specialist BTL mortgages for all of the South West and Wales.
The specific regions I cover are:
- Somerset
- Dorset
- Cornwall
- Cardiff and south of Wales
- Bristol
- Bath
- and more
Contact me
Email: emma@mfsuk.com
Phone: +44 (0)7946 057779
Introducing Emma Jones
Few are as considerate as Emma. After multiple delays on the interviewer’s part, it finally got underway. But, she had an unexpected meeting looming, and she couldn’t apologise enough for something that was yet to happen.
This friendliness likely melds well with the brokers and borrowers Emma works with in Bristol, Bath, Somerset and the rest of the South West and Wales. She has the gift of putting people at ease, while keeping them assured that all is in hand with their bridging loans.
In recent years, we’ve seen many professionals flee their cities to find some greenery, or live by the sea. Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, and all of the regions in Emma’s remit are primed to accommodate these movers. So how does Emma welcome investors into this part of the UK?
“I’d like to see a better understanding of how our products fit within the bigger picture. […] I think people are very scared about dealing with specialist lending.”
Interview with Emma Jones, Market Financial Solutions’ BDM for South West and Wales
“Gosh, I’ve been in financial services for over 20-odd years, I fell into it accidentally and moving the into the bridging loan industry has just been a natural progression”.
“I started in a bank and worked my way up. I found that I really l enjoyed the front-facing sales side of the business, and then I moved into mortgages. It was great being able to help people buy their dream homes and it’s just sort of grown from there.”
Emma found her way into the bridging loan world and now enjoys supporting investors through their brokers – helping them build their portfolios. Which, as we all know, has been tricky in recent months.
What do you enjoy about the specialist finance market?
This trickiness feeds into what Emma enjoys about her role though.
“It’s a lot faster paced, more interesting no 2 cases are the same,” she said.
By moving away from the residential mortgage market, Emma has honed her skills in assessing an investment’s merits, rather than having a client’s personal background weigh on a deal. Given how tumultuous housing has become, focusing on the essentials has proven wise.
“You know it’s just one of those things, it’s just been a natural progression to get here. The deals also offer a lot more excitement. It’s a much more complex environment and there are a lot more things going on in the economic background when we’re trying to get a deal across.”
Indeed, as Emma put it, much more information is needed to get a bridging deal completed, as opposed to more “straightforward” residential loans. This adds challenge to what we do, but Emma’s worth ethic, plus Market Financial Solutions’ commitment to openness, gets solutions flowing.
What is it that you offer to brokers that work with you?
“Honesty, which I think is very important. We also focus on that as a lender as well, which is why I like working for Market Financial Solutions.
“We’re very straightforward if it’s a ‘no’ we’ll let you know at the beginning of the process, service is very important to us.”
For those lucky enough to work with Emma – those based around Somerset, Dorset, Cornwall, Bristol, Bath, and Wales – they’ll notice there’s no trace of ego or arrogance in how she operates. She is upfront from the get-go, and has no hesitancy when she may be unsure of the next step.
“If there’s something that I don’t know, I’ll hold my hands up and just say ‘wait, let me get the details because I want to make sure I get the correct information for you’, as opposed to giving a broker something that’s wrong.”
By taking this approach, Emma avoids having her deals delayed by unnecessary baggage, or additional leg-work. It also allows her to build real relationships with her clients, which is just as well given the region she operates in.
How do you think investors in the South West and Wales are different to those in London and the North?
Emma is our only BDM covering this corner of England and Wales, so she has built up a unique expertise on the local financial cultures and markets.
“It’s much more interpersonal down here,” she said.
Before Emma could get anything else out, her interviewer couldn’t help but ask if there’s a lot more sheep to deal with, compared to London. Rather than laugh off the stereotype or roll her eyes at the immaturity of the question, Emma confirmed there was in fact more sheep involved.
“Oh gosh, there’s loads more of those!”
It was clear from the get-go of this interview that Emma was friendly, personable, and had a great sense of humour. These qualities kept on popping up throughout the process.
What would you like to see changed in the bridging landscape?
It’s hard to imagine what the bridging loan world will look like next month, let alone 5 years down the line. Our industry defines itself through its flexibility and adaptability. But, rather than focus on how the industry could adjust, Emma instead would like to see the external perspectives on what we do changed.
“I want better understanding. I think a lot of people generally shy away from bridging loans, they’ve got a stigma to them.
“But it’s just because what we do is quite niche. I’d like to see a better understanding of how our products fit within the bigger picture. You know, I think people are very scared about dealing with specialist lending and that may be because they don’t understand it, or they have preconceived ideas about us.
“Sometimes, I speak to brokers and they have a client that could really benefit from a bridging loan, but they’re afraid to act. It’s that fear we need to do away with.”
What do you enjoy outside the world of finance?
Given everything we’ve seen so far, it’s somewhat surprising to discover what Emma does to unwind.
“I take karate lessons with my son! I’m about to embark on my next grade and I’ve got to get that done at the end of the month.”
Kudos to Emma. Her interviewer noted that he did taekwondo in his youth and if his mother tried to join in, it may have crippled her!
It became clear throughout this interview that there’s no challenge Emma won’t get stuck into and try to resolve.
Contact me
If you have clients looking to break into the Southwest or Welsh markets – from Cardiff to Cornwall – Emma will be there to help. Chances are, she’ll be plenty friendly. Just make sure you don’t get on her bad side!
Email: emma@mfsuk.com
Phone: +44 (0)7946 057779